Slew over to those B-52’s that you see flying over your base. You can knock each one with a Maverick or two, and watch them flip and spin and do other sorts of jaw-dropping things.
MiGs in the Mud 
You know those MiG-29’s that take off from the Guatanamo International Airport towards the middle of the mission? The one’s you are supposed to prevent from doing just that? Well, if you make a pothole towards the very beginning of the runway (see Run Away from the Runway, Chapter 4), you can watch them sink in one by one as they take off! For images, see Run Away from the Runway, Chapter 4.
Miracle Landing 
This activity assumes you haven’t done the MiGs in the Mud activity, as you need a clean airstrip. Let one MiG survive. Let it take off. When it gets a small distance from the base, take out both its engines. Follow it. After time, it will turn around and make an attempt at landing the plane with both its engines out. Great action-show drama!